Apologies but due to the volume of recycling product to be safely processed, Tinahely Recycling Centre will now open to the public on THURSDAY from 2 PM till 4 PM. (Opening hours as normal on Friday and Saturday).
We ask our valued customers to please only bring recycled goods and not to dump rubbish . We also do not take SOFT PLASTIC or DIRTY PLASTIC Containers such as chicken trays which are health and safety hazard.
With your help we can keep our centre open and growing. Without your help our amazing staff and our centre is at risk.
Thursday: 10 am – 1 pm.
Friday: 10 am – 1 pm.2 pm – 4 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 12 noon.
Each year, Wicklow County Council submits community groups who have excelled in their communities into the National Pride of Place competition. Tinahely Community Recycling Centre was selected, and secured a Silver Award in the Creative Communities category at the annual awards ceremony on November 3rd. Well done all !!
A brand new, purpose built, and community managed Recycling Centre for the Tinahely and Carnew area is located off School Road, just behind Automatic Plastics.
Tinahely Recycling Centre
Our new Composting Education Site at the Recycling Centre was set up on 27th May 2023 by Tinahely Tidy Towns and funded by Wicklow County Council Environmental Awareness Office.
Craig Benton, co-founder of stopfoodwaste.ie and Composting Ireland facilitated the education site and presented a composting workshop on Saturday 27th May.
The purpose of the site is to raise awareness, educate and demonstrate how to compost correctly and to show the benefits of home composting. We DO NOT ACCEPT any green waste. The site is for education only.
In addition to normal opening hours, there will be a once weekly collection from Colaiste Bhride School Car Park, Carnew, from 10am to 11.30am on Saturdays. The centre will accept all normal recyclable materials such as plastics marked 1 to 5, cardboard, paper and magazines, batteries, electric cabling, light bulbs, glass, aluminum, steel packaging and scrap steel. No domestic waste will be accepted under any circumstances, and CCTV cameras will be in operation. Any violations will be severely dealt with, in accordance to the law, with harsh fines and prosecutions. In addition there is a clothes bank. A donation is made to South Wicklow Home Care Hospice from income raised from recycled clothing.
This unique community based recycling centre is organised and run by Tinahely Community Projects with the full support and co-operation of Wicklow County Council’s Environmental Section, and staffing resources provided by Tinahely Community Employment CLG (Supported by The Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection). Any additional income generated by this innovative project, will be used to support Tinahely Community Projects (TCP). TCP run many local projects such as the walking and tourism initiative, the Railway and looped walks, Tidy Towns and the community website, www.tinahely.ie.
Please support this exciting venture and help the efficient running of the Centre by bringing your recyclables clean, separated, and ready for placement in the different bins, which will be clearly marked. TCP are confident that this is a positive Community project which will be of enormous benefit to the Tinahely and Carnew areas. We look forward to your co-operation and a successful project.
The continued misuse of our recycling centre by certain individuals could put the entire facility in jeopardy. REMEMBER – IT IS A RECYCLING CENTRE, NOT A DUMP! Please co-operate with these simple rules: We accept most hard plastics numbered 1-5, (number can be found on the back of the container), ONLY if they have been CLEANED beforehand. Meat and dairy containers pose a HEALTH RISK and are NOT ACCEPTABLE. Cardboard and paper, is acceptable as long as it is dry and sorted. If our customers throw all their paper into the same bin without sorting it then this creates a problem for the companies that purchase this material. If our valued customers want the centre to remain open then please co-operate with the simple rules that are in place. The centre can only remain viable if Wicklow County Council can pass on our recycled goods. Again, the recycling centre is not a dump. All dumping is an offence and all offenders risk prosecution.
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